Kia ora, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Bula, Namaste, Kia orāna, Fakalofa lahi atu


Happy 2022 whanau, we hope you are having an amazing summer holiday break.

Our staff are excited and preparing for an awesome year ahead. We can’t wait to see you all soon.


Dates Ahead

24 January 2022 Office open for new enrolments and uniform purchases

3 & 4 February 2022   Teacher only days

Tuesday 8 February 2022 Students return to school 



  • All stationery is provided free of charge by our school for our tamariki

  • There are no school donation fees


Until then…

keep enjoying your holiday, keep staying safe and keep looking after each other.


Noho ora mai ra

Mary Takatainga


Covid-19 Alert Level 3 Step 2 Restrict Update 14 November 2021

                                                                                                               Kia ora koutou whanau

Manurewa East School will not open on Wednesday 17 November 2021 for tamariki. We will continue to provide distance learning. 
At present, we are working with the Ministry of Education to meet the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 requirements to be ‘safe to open’.  This ensures we are able to keep everyone as safe as possible to the very best of our ability.
Our teachers are in contact to collect information on your intentions for your tamariki for the rest of this term. If you have not been contacted, please share this information directly with your classroom teacher.  

This is vital for us to determine the maximum number of people possible onsite.

We will keep you informed as we progress.

Stay well and stay safe. 

Ngā mihi
Mary Takatainga

Whanau Learning Packs

Kia ora koutou Whanau

We hope you are all well and staying safe in your bubbles.

We are sending out ‘whanau learning packs’ tomorrow  –  Saturday 6 November.

Please make sure someone accepts the parcel contactlessly from the courier.

Take care whanau, keep being kind.

Mary Takatainga


Greenmeadows Intermediate School Information Evening for 2022 Enrolments

Greenmeadows Enrolment

Greenmeadows Intermediate School Facebook page

Covid-19- Alert Level 3  Update Friday 15 October 2021

Kia ora koutou whanau

We have been advised by Minister Chris Hipkins as follows:

-Auckland remains at Alert Level 3 Step 1. This will be reviewed on 18 October 2021.

-Schools will not reopen for Term 4 on 18 October 2021. Instead distance learning will be provided.

Our teachers are excited to re-connect and will be in contact on Monday about what it will look like at Manurewa East School as we begin Term 4 in distance learning.

We will continue to keep you updated as we progress.

Stay safe, take care and keep being kind, you are all amazing.

Mary Takatainga


Kia ora koutou whanau
Links for Learning from the Ministry of Education 

Distance Learning: Alert Level 4

Curriculum teaching and learning resources (with guidance for parents) can be found online

here for English-medium and

here for Māori-medium

Home Learning TV can be

accessed on demand here or via the TVNZ App on a device (mobile phone, smart tv or tablet)

Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora can be accessed on demand from Māori TV for

primary-aged tamariki

Information hub for Pasifika parents and families

Kia orana, Noa’ia, Talofa lava, Mauri, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atua and Mālō ni, we’ve created an online info hub for Pasifika parents, families and communities to support learning during Alert Level 4. You can find the information hub here.

                                                 There are helpful updates on how COVID-19 impacts education and links to learning resources including:

Quick and easy: Home Learning TV

Alert Level 4 friendly: Learning from Home online

Pacific specific: Dual-language resources

We’d encourage you to check the info hub page regularly – we’ll be updating it daily.

Stay safe and keep being kind
Mary Takatainga
Home Learning


At Manurewa East School, it is our strategic goal and vision to ensure we are truly bicultural and breathing life into Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The goal for all tamariki is to become bilingual and biliterate.  Alongside, we aim for our tamariki to become lifelong learners who will make positive contributions to our society.

 We operate a carefully planned programme based on the Dual Medium model, one of the multiple paths to bi literacy.  Our classes are run on the tuakana – teina model, each class contains åkonga from all year levels.

The motto of our kura is Whiti te rā, Rise and Shine.  Everyday our Tamaraki and kaimahi are expected to Whiti te rā, Rise and Shine and together, to reach great heights.

We pride ourselves in belonging to a vibrant place of learning where we are all learners together. Tamariki  who attend our school are expected to develop academically, socially and physically; always seeking ways to determine their own learning. Our students are given extensive opportunities to participate in EoTC, sporting and cultural events.

Our school provides the best quality teaching by dedicated professional staff, who are given ongoing professional development, to ensure they have the best support in their roles as possible.  Our kaiako care for our tamariki as if they were their own.   

At Manurewa East School we live by our vision, “we are confident, resilient and will reach great heights.”